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bringing the wonders of the ocean to you.


through the creation of immersive virtual reality experiences, we will enhance understanding and promote the importance of ocean conservation. 

our dedication lies in creating a positive impact on our environment, by raising awareness worldwide. 

Underwater Adventures In Virtual Reality

Are you part of an educational establishment? Do you want to teach our future generation, about looking after the ocean ecosystem?

Join us to provide children with an optimized learning experience, allowing them to observe nature up close. Let children explore the ocean, learn ecosystem protection, and be transported away to an underwater world. Where they can learn in a calm and reflective environment. 

Contact us for personalised package information.


Are you from an aquarium, museum or other entertainment venue?

Would you like to transport your customers to a new underwater world, where they can experience the ocean’s wonders from the safety of your surroundings? Customers will be provided with an exciting virtual experience that brings even more enjoyment to their day with you. 

Partner with us to provide this service to your customers! Contact us to collaborate on an immersive journey like no other.


Are you from a health organization or health charity?

Just like real diving, our experience aims to provide a safe and serene environment, where users can escape, and be transported to an underwater world. By doing this it enables people of all ages to escape their thoughts and reach a state of relaxation, which aids mental wellbeing. 

Help promote mental well-being within your organization, and contact us today to discuss how this could benefit your patients or the people you support.



Together we will delve into the specifics of technique refinement, breath-hold capacity improvement, equalization mastery, advanced safety procedures, and overall performance optimization. 

We will work to enhance your skills, boost your confidence, and elevate your overall freediving experience. 

If you are a business that wants to incorporate free diving into your current offering, please get in touch. 

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Wearable Underwater VR system

  • Reproduces the high immersion feeling of being underwater
  • Reproduces buoyancy change according to water depth

Mapping Underwater Landscapes with Advanced Technologies

The NSUB platform brings together advanced technologies to create a detailed map of underwater landscapes.

Dive into a New Dimension

Tailored interactive experiences for virtual reality and augmented reality environments.

Immersive Touch Experience: Interact with the Underwater World

NSUB takes VR to a whole new level by providing physical feedback when you touch underwater objects.

Experience for kids

text text sample

 Rental Equipment

Rental Equipment

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte adipiscin elit.

Learn To Dive

Learn To Dive

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte adipiscin elit.

Adventure Diver

Adventure Diver

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte adipiscin elit.

Rescue Diver

Rescue Diver

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte adipiscin elit.

Customers We Serve

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam dolore aliqua.


Wearable Underwater VR system

The wearable underwater system has two functions:
  • To reproduce the high immersion feeling of being underwater
  • To reproduce buoyancy change according to water depth


Mapping Underwater Landscapes with Advanced Technologies

The NSUB platform brings together advanced technologies to create a detailed map of underwater landscapes.


Dive into a New Dimension

Tailored interactive experiences for virtual reality and augmented reality environments.


Immersive Touch Experience: Interact with the Underwater World

NSUB takes VR to a whole new level by providing physical feedback when you touch underwater objects.


Wearable Underwater VR system

  • Reproduces the high immersion feeling of being underwater
  • Reproduces buoyancy change according to water depth


Mapping Underwater Landscapes with Advanced Technologies

The NSUB platform brings together advanced technologies to create a detailed map of underwater landscapes.


Dive into a New Dimension

Tailored interactive experiences for virtual reality and augmented reality environments.


Immersive Touch Experience: Interact with the Underwater World

NSUB takes VR to a whole new level by providing physical feedback when you touch underwater objects.

Disc - 20%


Proin ullamcorper pretium orci. Donec nec scelerisque leo.


*Including Tax & Insurance


Pricing & Plan

Proin ullamcorper pretium orci. Donec nec scelerisque leo. Nam massa dolor imperdiet nec consequa tacon uedisem. Maecenas malesuada faucibus finibus consequata congue idsem.

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Nam massa dolor imperdiet nec consequa.

100% Guarantee

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.

24/7 Support

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Some Quotes From Our Clients

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam dolore aliqua.

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adip iscing elit. sed do eius mod tempor incididunt labore magna iscing.” 

Cheryl Butler

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adip iscing elit. sed do eius mod tempor incididunt labore magna iscing.” 

Clive Weaver

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adip iscing elit. sed do eius mod tempor incididunt labore magna iscing.” 

Kayla Wheatly

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adip iscing elit. sed do eius mod tempor incididunt labore magna iscing.” 

Camilla Davidson

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adip iscing elit. sed do eius mod tempor incididunt labore magna iscing.” 

Horace Snee

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adip iscing elit. sed do eius mod tempor incididunt labore magna iscing.” 

Glen Bennett

Lorem ipsum Quibusdam eveniet ut eos rerum incididunt eu aperiam voluptatem ut non provident dolor dolorum ut et quod voluptatibus quas tempor reiciendis veniam provident hic veritatis exercitation placeat reiciendis veniam provident veritati.

Abbie Carter
Abbie Carter


Lorem ipsum Quibusdam eveniet ut eos rerum incididunt eu aperiam voluptatem ut non provident dolor dolorum ut et quod voluptatibus quas tempor reiciendis veniam provident hic veritatis exercitation placeat reiciendis veniam provident veritati.

Dominic Peltier
Dominic Peltier


Lorem ipsum Quibusdam eveniet ut eos rerum incididunt eu aperiam voluptatem ut non provident dolor dolorum ut et quod voluptatibus quas tempor reiciendis veniam provident hic veritatis exercitation placeat reiciendis veniam provident veritati.

Lola Bailey
Lola Bailey


Lorem ipsum Quibusdam eveniet ut eos rerum incididunt eu aperiam voluptatem ut non provident dolor dolorum ut et quod voluptatibus quas tempor reiciendis veniam provident hic veritatis exercitation placeat reiciendis veniam provident veritati.

Gerry Hayward
Gerry Hayward


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